Diğer İsimleri: Maruhebun
Yılı: 2005
Türü: TV Serisi
Yapımcılar: A Line, Konami

Ginta kendi kurduğu bir hayal dünyasında yaşamaktadır ve bu yüzden arkadaşlarının alay konusu olmuştur. Ginta ile tek alay etmeyen arkadaşı Koyuki'dir.
Bir gün Ginta'nın kurduğu hayal dünyası gerçek olur. Bu dünyaya açılan kapı, sınıfında belirir. Ginta, Mar Heaven adı verilen bu dünyada güçlenir ve yine olağanüstü güçlere sahip olur.
Bu dünyada Arm adı verilen bir takım eşyalar vardır. Bu eşyalar sihirlidir. Ve Ginta'da böyle bir sihirli Arm bulur. Aslında bu Arm'ı Doroty adında birinin yardımı ile bulur.
Bu sihirli Arm'ın adı Babbo'dur. Ginta yeni ortağı Babbo ile Arm kullanıcılarına karşı çeşitli mücadeleler verir.

Bölüm Listesi

1. Open! The door to the other world!!
2. The Legendary Arm! Babbo!!
3. Jack! Initiate Battle Shovel!!!
4. Ginta! Reclaim Babbo!!
5. Alviss, The Mysterious Bishounen
6. Princess Snow, Inside the Ice
7. Awaken! Another Ed!!
8. Night Phantom of Restoration
9. Gates of Trial, Meriro and Pumoru
10. The Second Märchen War
11. I`ll Show You! Babbo: Version 2
12. Luberia's Boss, Nanashi!
13. Battle of the Underground Lake! Nanashi VS Oruko!!
14. Babbo Version (3)! Go Gargoyle!!
15. 7th Member? John Peach!?
16. The Beginning of the War Games
17. 1st Battle 1! Alviss Vs. Leno!!
18. 1st Battle 2! Jack Vs. Pano!!
19. Captain Ginta! Gargoyle Vs. Garon!!
20. Gate of training returns! We`ll teach you how to fight!!
21. Desert Field! Fight Princess!!
22. Nanashi vs Royu! The Curse of the Bad Doll!!
23. The Horrible Witch! Dorothy!!
24. Phantom of Secrets Enjoyment
25. The Man Who Arrived Late! Alan!!
26. Jack Can See the Man! Magic Mushrooms!!
27. I, cannot lose! Snow of the Volcano Group!!
28. Curse of Candle! Ginta VS Kannochi!!
29. Another Zombie Tatoo! Alviss VS Rolan!!
30. Shiver! Phantom and Zodiac Night!!
31. Shadow Battle! Gargoyle VS Black Gargoyle!!
32. Quietened Fight Spirit... Alviss` Power
33. What became of Jack! What to do Dorothy!?
34. Aqua and Akko-chan and Nanashi Ryuu!
35. Counterattacking Gillom! Ebura vs Gargoyle!!
36. Dorothy VS Rapunzel, Sing. Crazy Guilt!!
37. The Kingdom of Magic, Karudea
38. Result of Invader Phantom's and Ginta's Fierce Battle...
39. The Likeable Night, Ash!
40. The World's Best Decisive Battle?! Snow VS Emoki!!
41. The Stolen Magic Power! Alviss' Crisis!!
42. Pleasant Feeling! The Stone Messenger of Night, Candis!!
43. Battlefield of Death! Psycho Pace!!
44. Fated Death Struggle! Nanashi VS Garian!!
45. Lightning Strike X Lightning Strike! Nanashi's Recollection of Memories!!
46. The Reborn Night, Ian's Revenge!
47. Alviss' Wounds
48. Dorothy's Rage! Tower in The Desert
49. Zone! The Attack at the Training Gate!!
50. Alviss X Nanashi! The Forbidden Labyrinth!!
51. Dorothy X Snow! The Temptation of Rouge!!
52. Reach Out! The Wish for Sixth Sense!!
53. Defeat of Phantom
54. Alan's Goosebumps
55. The Unforgiving Alviss
56. Dorothy's Urge to Eat
57. Snow's Smile
58. Ian's Anger
59. Ginta Returns to Tokyo
60. Nanashi's Reckless Move
61. Deep Depths of Dorothy's Mind
62. Alan the Famous Detective
63. Alviss and Girl
64. Koyuki's Mask
65. The Strange Country, Ririss
66. Princess Reginleif's Secret
67. The New ARM of Loco and Curse
68. Beginning of the Last Battle
69. Jack and the Guardian of Flame
70. Rematch: Alviss VS Rolan
71. The Eternal Moment
72. The Bride of Sorrow (Chimera)
73. Alan's Old Wound (Trauma)
74. Farewell Old Friend (Halloween)
75. Luberia's Oath
76. Scarlet Claw (Garnet Crow)
77. Ginta vs. Phantom
78. The Most Evil Cat Guardian
79. The Decision
80. The Cute Visitor
81. Splitting Babbo
82. The Roar of Revival
83. Ian and Bride
84. Get Back Snow
85. Tempest of Love, Zephyroth Broom
86. The Round Dance of Time (Rondo)
87. Fortified City Barugain
88. Phantom's Dream
89. Awakening of Zombie Tattoo
90. Oblivion of Klavier
91. Alviss's Closing Eyes (No Name)
92. Misty Castle
93. Analyst of the Dark World
94. The Scattered and Dyed Rose
95. Snow`s Truth
96. Deceitful Peace
97. Disperses in Flame, Sleeps in Water
98. Goodbye, Tender-Hearted Chess
99. The Light of Alviss
100. Stormy Zephyroth Broom of Pity
101. Ginta vs. Dana
102. Excitement That Never Stops

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